Indian polity Tnpsc online test 1 1

Indian polity Tnpsc online test 1 for english medium

Indian polity Tnpsc online test

Indian polity Tnpsc online

Today we have given the Indian polity test for the tnpsc exam like Group 4, Group 2, Group 1, SSC, railway, and Tamilnadu police preparation students. it is easy to attend the online tests with your confidentiality. share with your friends to attend the test to get a good score in the tnpsc exams. today’s test  is given below


indian polity tnpsc online test 1 for english medium

tail spin

1 / 50

The parliament of India consists of

2 / 50

Which of the following has been dropped from the list of fundamental rights?

3 / 50

The law making body at the centre and in Tamilnadu are having

4 / 50

The frames of the Indian constitution borrowed  the concept the concept of fundamental rights from the

5 / 50

After the passing  of 44th amendment the right to property

6 / 50

Which article accords special status to Jammu and Kashmir?

7 / 50

Indian parliament consists of

8 / 50

The number of members, the President of India can nominate to upper house is

9 / 50

The introduction of no confidence motion in the Lok sabha requires the support of at least

10 / 50

Who was the founder of Swatantra party in 1959?

11 / 50

Which High court has jurisdiction over Lakshadweep?

12 / 50

The President can vacate his office by addressing his resignation to

13 / 50

When was the Panchayat Raj introduced in India?

14 / 50

The grant of universal adult franchise creates

15 / 50

Judicial review means

16 / 50

The chairman of the Rajya sabha has

17 / 50

Which one of the following is the example of plural executive?

18 / 50

The right to constitutional remedies available to citizen of India is under article

19 / 50

Writ of Mandamus means

20 / 50

Which one of the following is the guardian of fundamental rights?

21 / 50

The chairman of the Indian planning commission is

22 / 50

Which one of the following parts of the Indian constitution enjoins upon the state “to provide free and compulsory education for children upto 14 years of age”?

23 / 50

The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the

24 / 50

How many items the concurrent list comprises in the Indian constitution?

25 / 50

The Vice President of India is elected by

26 / 50

The drafting of the constitution was completed on

27 / 50

The fundamental rights can be suspended by the

28 / 50

The directive principles of state policy was adopted from

29 / 50

You will be entitled to Indian citizenship if you are

30 / 50

Who was the first speaker of Lok sabha?

31 / 50

The directive principles of state policy have been included in

32 / 50

Fundamental duties were laid down by

33 / 50

Indian constitution provides for

34 / 50

What is the maximum gap permissible between two sessions of parliament?

35 / 50

When was D.M.K founded?

36 / 50

The Supreme court has been given advisory powers under

37 / 50

The father of Political Science is

38 / 50

The Eighth schedule of Indian constitution has

39 / 50

The judges of the high court retire at the age of

40 / 50

Planning commission is a

41 / 50

The speaker of the Lok sabha enjoys

42 / 50

What is the chief source of political power in India?

43 / 50

Who was the temporary chairman of the constituent assembly?

44 / 50

The first coalition Govt. was formed at the centre by

45 / 50

The Supreme court of India was set up

46 / 50

Which of the following is not a feature of the Indian constitution?

47 / 50

The president of India is elected

48 / 50

Who was called the father of separation of powers?

49 / 50

The planning commission was set up by the government of India in

50 / 50

Which part of Indian constitution does contain fundamental rights?

User NameScore
G. Gokul48%
𝖲𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗆𝗎𝗀𝖺𝗆 𝖡36%
Dr Deepthy Joel48%

Category: indian polity tnpsc online test for english medium


indian polity tnpsc online test 1 for english medium

tail spin

1 / 50

Who was the temporary chairman of the constituent assembly?

2 / 50

Which article accords special status to Jammu and Kashmir?

3 / 50

Indian parliament consists of

4 / 50

When was D.M.K founded?

5 / 50

Indian constitution provides for

6 / 50

The planning commission was set up by the government of India in

7 / 50

Judicial review means

8 / 50

The speaker of the Lok sabha enjoys

9 / 50

The president of India is elected

10 / 50

Who was the first speaker of Lok sabha?

11 / 50

The introduction of no confidence motion in the Lok sabha requires the support of at least

12 / 50

The chairman of the Rajya sabha has

13 / 50

When was the Panchayat Raj introduced in India?

14 / 50

Who was the founder of Swatantra party in 1959?

15 / 50

The right to constitutional remedies available to citizen of India is under article

16 / 50

Which High court has jurisdiction over Lakshadweep?

17 / 50

Writ of Mandamus means

18 / 50

You will be entitled to Indian citizenship if you are

19 / 50

Planning commission is a

20 / 50

Which one of the following is the guardian of fundamental rights?

21 / 50

Who was called the father of separation of powers?

22 / 50

The President can vacate his office by addressing his resignation to

23 / 50

The judges of the high court retire at the age of

24 / 50

Which part of Indian constitution does contain fundamental rights?

25 / 50

The law making body at the centre and in Tamilnadu are having

26 / 50

The grant of universal adult franchise creates

27 / 50

The drafting of the constitution was completed on

28 / 50

The Vice President of India is elected by

29 / 50

The Council of Ministers is collectively responsible to the

30 / 50

The directive principles of state policy was adopted from

31 / 50

What is the maximum gap permissible between two sessions of parliament?

32 / 50

The Supreme court of India was set up

33 / 50

The frames of the Indian constitution borrowed  the concept the concept of fundamental rights from the

34 / 50

Which one of the following is the example of plural executive?

35 / 50

The father of Political Science is

36 / 50

The number of members, the President of India can nominate to upper house is

37 / 50

The chairman of the Indian planning commission is

38 / 50

The Eighth schedule of Indian constitution has

39 / 50

Which one of the following parts of the Indian constitution enjoins upon the state “to provide free and compulsory education for children upto 14 years of age”?

40 / 50

The parliament of India consists of

41 / 50

The fundamental rights can be suspended by the

42 / 50

Which of the following has been dropped from the list of fundamental rights?

43 / 50

The first coalition Govt. was formed at the centre by

44 / 50

The directive principles of state policy have been included in

45 / 50

The Supreme court has been given advisory powers under

46 / 50

Which of the following is not a feature of the Indian constitution?

47 / 50

How many items the concurrent list comprises in the Indian constitution?

48 / 50

What is the chief source of political power in India?

49 / 50

After the passing  of 44th amendment the right to property

50 / 50

Fundamental duties were laid down by


indian polity tnpsc online test 2 for english medium

tail spin

1 / 45

Jain commission enquiry is related to

2 / 45

The council of Ministers is , in reality responsible to the

3 / 45

The chairman of the planning commission in India is

4 / 45

The Governor of a state enjoys

5 / 45

The retiring age of supreme court judge is

6 / 45

Who holds the power of judicial review in India?

7 / 45

Under what circumstances some of the fundamental rights be suspend?

8 / 45

Money can be spent out of the consolidated fund of India with the approval of

9 / 45

The fundamental rights of the Indian constitution are enshrined in

10 / 45

The first Municipal Corporation of India was established at

11 / 45

Select the correct sequence Vice-President of India

12 / 45

Which state has the largest number of Lok Sabha members?

13 / 45

Finance commission is appointed by the President once in

14 / 45

Who is empowered to appoint the Governor?

15 / 45

The reservation for Sc and St is extended once in

16 / 45

President’s rule can be imposed in a state for maximum period of

17 / 45

How many members are nominated by President to Rajya sabha?

18 / 45

The President of India is

19 / 45

Election disputes are decided by

20 / 45

Which is the lengthiest amendment to the constitution of India?

21 / 45

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by

22 / 45

Which commission has recommended the institution of Lok pal in Indian administration ?

23 / 45

Now Tamilnadu has

24 / 45

Can once person act as Governor for more than one state?

25 / 45

Raja sabha has a strength of

26 / 45

The centre-State relations is enquired by

27 / 45

The constitution of India is

28 / 45

The ordinances by the Governor are subject to approval by

29 / 45

Indian federal system is greatly influenced by the federal system in

30 / 45

The constitution of India came into force on

31 / 45

Indian constitution contains

32 / 45

The minimum age for being eligible to become the Prime Minister of India is

33 / 45

Planning commission of India is a/an

34 / 45

The proclamation of emergency automatically brings to suspension the right to

35 / 45

The chairman of the planning commission is

36 / 45

Planning commission is established by

37 / 45

A bill in each house is subject to

38 / 45

Three-Tier system of Panchayat Raj is recommended by

39 / 45

Which of the following state Governors enjoys special powers with regard to the administration of tribal area?

40 / 45

The administration is fully accountable to

41 / 45

Select the correct sequence in ascending order:

42 / 45

Vice-President of India presides over

43 / 45

The planning commission was set up in which year?

44 / 45

The words “Socialist” and “Secular” were added to the preamble of the constitution on India by

45 / 45

The number of members nominated by the President to Rajya sabha is


indian polity tnpsc online test 3 for english medium

tail spin

1 / 25

President’s rule can be imposed in a state for maximum period of

2 / 25

Who holds the power of judicial review in India?

3 / 25

Planning commission of India is a/an

4 / 25

In a parliamentary system, the executive is responsible to

5 / 25

The first Municipal Corporation of India was established at

6 / 25

Which one of the following is not mentioned in the Indian constitution?

7 / 25

Which of the following state Governors enjoys special powers with regard to the administration of tribal area?

8 / 25

The fundamental rights of the Indian constitution are enshrined in

9 / 25

When was the constituent assembly established to frame the constitution of India?

10 / 25

Select the correct sequence Vice-President of India

11 / 25

The planning commission was set up in which year?

12 / 25

Which state has the largest number of Lok Sabha members?

13 / 25

Jain commission enquiry is related to

14 / 25

When was the President’s succession act enacted?

15 / 25

The Governor of a state enjoys

16 / 25

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by

17 / 25

The minimum age for being eligible to become the Prime Minister of India is

18 / 25

Who enjoys the right to impose responsible restriction on the Fundamental Rights?

19 / 25

Election disputes are decided by

20 / 25

The proclamation of emergency automatically brings to suspension the right to

21 / 25

Under what circumstances some of the fundamental rights be suspend?

22 / 25

The centre-State relations is enquired by

23 / 25

Three-Tier system of Panchayat Raj is recommended by

24 / 25

The chairman of the planning commission is

25 / 25

The number of article in the Indian constitution at the time of its adoption was


indian polity tnpsc online test 4 for english medium

tail spin

1 / 25

Indian constitution contains

2 / 25

A bill in each house is subject to

3 / 25

The council of Ministers is , in reality responsible to the

4 / 25

Raja sabha has a strength of

5 / 25

The constitution of India is

6 / 25

How many members are nominated by President to Rajya sabha?

7 / 25

The retiring age of supreme court judge is

8 / 25

Vice-President of India presides over

9 / 25

Money can be spent out of the consolidated fund of India with the approval of

10 / 25

The reservation for Sc and St is extended once in

11 / 25

The constitution of India came into force on

12 / 25

The ordinances by the Governor are subject to approval by

13 / 25

The administration is fully accountable to

14 / 25

The President of India is

15 / 25

The chairman of the planning commission in India is

16 / 25

Can once person act as Governor for more than one state?

17 / 25

The words “Socialist” and “Secular” were added to the preamble of the constitution on India by

18 / 25

Planning commission is established by

19 / 25

Which commission has recommended the institution of Lok pal in Indian administration ?

20 / 25

Indian federal system is greatly influenced by the federal system in

21 / 25

Who is empowered to appoint the Governor?

22 / 25

Now Tamilnadu has

23 / 25

Finance commission is appointed by the President once in

24 / 25

Which is the lengthiest amendment to the constitution of India?

25 / 25

The number of members nominated by the President to Rajya sabha is



tail spin

1 / 14

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